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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024

  • War is war, civil or not. I also mentioned WW2 since Finland did ally with the Nazis.

    No, I’m giving you a moral dilemma to show you your own hypocrisy. Injuring thousands of Hezbollah members will save lives too - these are the people firing missiles at civilians as well (unless you’re saying every Israeli is guilty, in which that says a lot more about how ducked up you are if true).

    Hence I gave you a similar scenario. Because if the tables were turned - if someone managed to explode Netanyahu and co’s phones and kill him, you’d probably be cheering even if children died, because it would mean a genocidal war would be halted.

    You prefer the few rather than the greater good. And that always leads to more death rather than less. And quite frankly, makes you a shit military member to boot. Because it means if Russia did attack Finland, you’d prefer Putin alive if the opening for taking him out would kill a few innocents - even though letting him live would mean many more dying.

    None of this exonerates Israel btw - an evil accidentally doing a net good doesn’t stop that evil from being evil. But Hezbollah taking such a heavy hit with very few bystander casualties is a best case scenario, because the alternative - doing nothing - would have eventually led to more deaths.

  • Which country’s military? Because I’m more than willing to bet your country has killed innocents too, even if by accident. Depending on the country, like the USA, deliberately killing them too. Congratulations on choosing to actively participating in that horridness I suppose.

    Is Israel committing a genocide in Gaza?

    I see you weren’t the reading comprehension guy in the military. But since you need it directly spelled out for your crayon eating ass to understand - yes, the Israeli government is committing genocide. You know who else is trying their hand at Genocide? Hezbollah.

    But hey, while we have ‘holier than thou’ ex-military on the line, how about a bit of a trolley problem for you:

    If you could dispose of Netanyahu along with the top heads of his genocidal campaign, at the cost of 10 children, would you? And just to make it even easier on you, let’s add that doing so will end Israel’s current war and genocide campaign too.

  • And you should read Popper’s Paradox of Tolerance.

    Eye for an eye makes the world go blind only works when one party doesn’t exist solely to exterminate another.

    That’s what Hezbollah is.

    I have never defended genociders - you on the other hand keep defending Hezbollah.

    The world needs to deal with Hezbollah the same way it needs to deal with Zionism and the same way it eventually dealt with the Nazis.

    Tell me dumbass, do you think Netanyahu and co. will stop his campaign on Gaza if everyone decided not to retaliate? Or would he just order his men to take advantage of the situation and shoot them down? Do you think the Nazis or any other group, such as Hezbollah, intent on genocide would accept peace?

    Of course ideally such corrupt evil fucks could be eliminated with no innocent casualties. But that’s unfortunately not the way the world works. Do you think innocent casualties didn’t occur when other fascist evils were fought? You think only military personnel were killed in WW2?

    You’re either a naïve kid, or have thought up of miracle solution like a death note.

    This was a case of monsters fighting monsters; we’re lucky that this at least was an actual very precise strike one monster did to the others, rather than their usual M.O. of just striking buildings with missiles.

  • I think they’re implying this mostly hit Hezbollah members, not than none of the victims were innocent.

    That said, you do know Hezbollah is basically the same as Israel, just without the backing of the USA, right? They also want genocide. The way this was dealt with was one of the best options when dealing with a group that wants to genocide your country. It also shows Israel chose to start the war with Hamas, and likely allowed the October 7 attack to happen, if they’ve had this capability all along.

    The dad who’s girl died literally brought this on himself. He chose religious fanaticism over family. He’s in Lebanon, not Gaza, not West Bank - he could have chosen not to be part of a group that wants to wipe out a whole nother group. This is on him the same way it’s on an antivaxxer when they’re kid gets sick. There’s plenty of damn good reasons to wish Netanyahu dead and in hell, but this ain’t one. I doubt him and his right wing extremist possé came up with this operation since they would have deliberately chosen something with way more innocent casualties.