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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 22nd, 2024


  • My wish would be that after he loses this election - and I think would truly become unable to run again (because at that point I think almost everyone would be able to admit he’s too old) - that everyone simply forgets about him. His ongoing trials would get no more than a blip in coverage, whether he’s sentenced to jail or slapped with probation, it barely gets talked about. There can be no worse punishment from that man’s perspective than screaming into a void and no one hears him and no one cares.

    This is a total pipe dream, but I am willing to turn off any news program, ignore any news link and not buy any newspaper that has an article about him if it contributes to ignoring him until he turns into an old useless husk and departs from this world. I wish it could be done now but people still need to be consistently reminded how dangerous he is until their vote is locked in this November.

  • My dentist (who is also my friend) told me I have great saliva. Fortunately it was while I was getting my cleaning…not in random hang out conversation.

    I stick with pretty neutral compliments towards others but probably in my own profession I’ve expressed over the top enthusiasm for remarkably good handwriting or very organized/complete records. I’ve gotten a couple of laughs out of clients because it’s semi-rare and it’s kinda odd to get excited about those things.