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Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • I think they just might, though. There’s a unifying experience with cancer that transcends party lines. Not a single person in this country has not been affected themselves or know someone affected by cancer.

    Democrats really need to drive this point home. They need to make this personal for every voter, not partisan. Blatantly say that cancer doesn’t give a fuck if you’re Republican, Democrat, wealthy, or poor. Or can come for anyone, even those that have spent their life trying to live healthily.

    What they’ve done it’s akin to an alien invasion movie where instead of defending the planet, Congress decides to do nothing because it might give someone they don’t like a political win. It baffles my mind how inhumane Republicans and the mega wealthy are.

    Honestly, if tRump was president and there was a chance to cure cancer for good, I’d be 100% fine giving him that win. I’d send him a personal fucking thank you letter.

    Fuck cancer and fuck Republicans!