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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The ads themselves don’t cost much. Really, it’s just a voiceover of scenes for every political ad. What costs money is getting it in front of voters’ eyes.

    Lots of money trades hands during election season, and it’s all about getting ads in front of influence-able people and getting them to do the thing you want them to do (vote for me!!!).

    I do have my criticisms about the ad. It spends too many seconds articulating the message “White dudes can easily vote for Harris/Walz and you should to save the US from Donald Trump.” It should be shorter, IMNSHO. But you’ll be surprised at how little money goes to the designers and actors for an ad, compared to the metric fuckton of money that gets put into the pockets of advertisers and media companies.

  • Thank you for saying this. Come November, one of two people will walk out with the victory: Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Nobody else. We saw in 2016 and 2020 that the Shitgibbon can get LOTS of votes. We had to put up 7 million more votes than they did to win, and it was STILL close. Vote. Get your friends to vote. Get your friends to get their friends to vote. And help as many strangers who are voting Blue to vote as possible.

    Nothing should stop you. Harris got this in the bag? No. She doesn’t. Go vote. Trump’s got no chance to win? No. He does. Go vote. Swifties coming out en masse and you don’t need to worry? No. Trump’s got fans of his own and you should always worry…and go vote. Go vote to counter every useful idiot and Republican Troll and Russian bot out there who has convinced a Greenie to do the stupid thing and vote third party.

    Team Red doesn’t deserve sportsmanship. Run that score up nation-wide. Check your registration deadline NOW and check your registration today, and repeat this check at the last day to register to vote. If you don’t show up in the roles, you need to register. Screenshot that too so you have evidence you were registered to vote. Make sure you have your ID ready and understand all the hoops you have to jump through. Numerous organisations exist to help you:

    Don’t let anything get between you and voting Harris in the upcoming election.

  • Honestly, yes. You can’t vote third party, and you can’t not vote, if you don’t want Trump in office. If you vote Third Party or stay home, you’re good with Trump being in office, which means you’re good with leaving minorities, non-Christians, transgendered people, and gay people up Project 2025 Shit Creek without a paddle. Given my wife is a Black bisexual Goth pagan, that means you want my wife to be hurt, and that pisses me the fuck off. And judging from the 15 other downvotes you have, I’m not the only one who feels that way.

  • If Left-Wing Third Parties are serious, they will start by running their candidates as spoilers in the Democratic Primary and appealing to voters to listen and add their platforms to the list of priorities to push the Dems on. They’d simultaneously work hard to get Ranked Choice passed nation-wide as that system is the most compatible with our country’s political system. Once they get that passed, they would join efforts to reform the Electoral College so it doesn’t require 270 votes, an then implement a more effective voting system for President that ensures that left-wing voters don’t get a Right-Wing president elected voting for Third Party options. They would also push hard to win at the City, County, and State levels, as well as in the Congress, so the Jill Steins of the world have friendly legislators to rely on.

    Ocasio-Cortez is right to call this out.