was in 1990s tv too
was in 1990s tv too
What have you read or where did you get your understanding from?
Ok but socdem. And before you try to make a counter argument with [insert nordic country that is actually capitalist] just think about how they always call the ussr and china communist while they arent.
What are you trying to say?
That’s my point. It’s all about doing self-interested things like mutual aid. Mutual defense is in my self-interest. A dairy co-operative is in the farmers’ interest. Zebras move in herds because it is in their mutual self-interest.
The initial comment is saying communism is about self-sacrifice, against human nature. Kropotkin (I’ve read the book three times btw) convincing makes the case that it’s the opposite of self-sacrifice: about pursuing our natural mutual interest according to our evolutionary imperatives. Kropotkin would say that ruthless competition is against our evolutionary nature and imperatives because it disadvantages survival.
the initial argument only applies to Utopian Socialism anyway – fighting for your personal interest is exactly the point of communism, destroying all the enemies of the working class
I had never mentioned myself in the post.
You didn’t have to.
We need to bring back the pre-colonial law where having a big belly was punishable: http://ravensgard.org/prdunham/irishfood.html
OP is trying to make himself a unique victim
claiming people don’t slag junkies and smackheads is the wildest claim I’ve read on the internet this week
why not hate them for both scientific reasons and viscerally?
make-up has its effect on a subconscious level
the Kahlil Gibran quote smells fake
I don’t get it.
In the mid 20th-century, people reliably got more petty bourgeois as they got older.