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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023

  • The US has been supporting Israel unconditionally for decades.

    Yes because support for Israel is a complicated issue. All of the middle east is a complicated issue. We were spurned on by guilt for allowing the Holocaust to happen and then groups like AIPAC have spent millions(probably billions at this point) to make lack of support for Israel be considered antisemitism. And both democrats and republicans are supported by not only large numbers of Jewish Americans who believe that whole heartedly but a huge number of non-Jewish people who’ve been convinced of it as well. So no candidate who opposes Israel directly can get elected, literally ever. Because literally millions of Americans will vote against them just for uttering even the slightest waiver of support for Israel. Meanwhile Arabs in the middle east have made themselves well hated by most Americans through acts of terror against us for the last 60 years. So a large plairality of otherwise liberal Americans don’t really care that Israel is wiping out Palestinians. Especially after Hamas gave Israel such a great excuse by attacking a bunch of innocent people at a rock concert and taking all those hostages.

    So yes. The Democrats are using kid gloves to try to put a stop to what Israel is doing in Gaza. Because if they didn’t, they would lose millions of votes of support. And since republicans don’t give a shit about genocide, they are more than happy to pay lip service to AIPAC and Israeli interests.

    But hey, you’re voting you conscience and choosing to toss your vote in the garbage by voting for the one candidate that opposes Israel. Cause she’s come out of hiding once again to stamp her name on a ballot and give you that peace of mind.

  • Okay Mr better party choice. Here’s a scenario: You and your friends vote for Jill Stein over Kamala Harris. Now, Kamala Harris has something of a chance to get a ceasefire out of Israel and stop the killing she has stated that that is her goal. But she doesn’t get elected because you deluded morons voted for Jill Stein. No, Donald Trump gets elected instead and he pumps the gas on the genocide in Gaza as he has stated several times that he will do. He pours every military asset we have into Israel and gives them carte blanche to wipe out everyone in Gaza. And then on top of that he pulls all of our aid out of Ukraine and Russia steamrolls over the ukrainians wiping them out.

    Now who supports genocide you fucking twit?

  • She’s actually been fairly effective for a new congressman. But in order to get meaningful change she needs both position and allies in congress. She has a number of allies (AKA The Squad) but because Congress is so full of old fucks, getting a position in a committee with any power at all is difficult at best.

    Meanwhile Jill Stein goes on TV, snipes at the democratic party and collects paychecks, all while eroding the party’s position all for literally no benefit whatsoever. The Green Party has been the single most ineffective third party in the history of the country. The only thing they’ve accomplished is siphoning off votes from Democrat presidential candidates and getting Republicans elected.