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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • Gnome does not radically change their design all the time.

    The last time they did that was Gnome 3, which came out 13 years ago.

    And you may think it was change for the sake of change, but I’d disagree. The workflow is amazing. Using anything else just feels clunky to me now.

    The changes made in Gnome were based on UX usability studies, not just changing shit for the sake of changing it.

    You’re mistaking your dislike of Gnome not operating like a traditional windows-like UX for it being objectively bad.

    • Larger click targets for touch screen users

    • Larger screens with higher resolutions, meaning less need for cramped UIs

    • Larger click targets for trackpad users, as the PC market moved from desktops with relatively precise mouse inputs to small, imprecise trackpads that laptops had

    • Usability studies showing people generally like padding and spacing in their UX

  • TheGrandNagus@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldWhy is UI design backsliding?
    2 hours ago

    You are among the first people I’ve seen online who hasn’t circlejerked about any level padding/spacing being too much padding.

    People on Reddit/Lemmy always talk about how unusably shit any modern design is, and how UX/UI from 20+ years ago was so much better.

    Yet do they use ancient copies of the software that broadly still performs the tasks people need of them? No.

    Do they theme their system to look like the oh-so-superior Win98? No.

    Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I see a design change I dislike. But as a general rule, UI has definitely got better over the years.

    And don’t get me wrong, part of me feels great nostalgia at seeing old UX’s, because it reminds me of the “good old days” when I bought my first computer in 1999. It’s fun to Go back and use systems from back then. And at first you think AAAAA this is so cool, I remember all this, this looks neat, but after that nostalgia wears off you think *“thank god modern UIs aren’t inconsistent, cramped and cluttered like this”

    Nostalgia goggles are a powerful thing.

  • Ok, putting aside for a moment China’s totally honest and not at all fudged number of incarcerated people…

    The US allowing prison labour is something I’m disgusted by.

    But it’s still a far cry from abducting people based on their religion, sometimes sterilising them so they can’t have kids, threatening them with their life, threatening their family, and forcing them to work in factories or in construction, then using that slave labour to undercut and kill foreign competition.

    Don’t try to twist this into a “you’re complaining about China therefore you think the US is great”. I’m saying China is far worse. Because they are, and only a complete muppet would think otherwise.

    Maybe you’re ok with what China does (slavery and genocide), but I am not.