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Cake day: July 7th, 2024

  • It happens, even with popular kids. A friend from daycare invited many people for her 5th, but due to bad timing with vacation, nobody showed up. Nobody. Her 6th was fine, as about 8 out of 14 came.

    My son invited 5 for his 5th, but due to some misfortune with sickness etc., only two siblings came. It turned out to be one of his best birthdays ever.

    Best to ask for a commitment, a clear yes or no. But in your case, 5 is a good number for a party! 1 or 0 would have been kind of awkward.

  • The biggest issue was that when I was in a phase where I pursued something worthwhile, such as a science project, electronics, programming, they stopped me and said I obsessed too much over it, took it away, said I needed to focus more on something else. Which then did not stick, as it was forced, of course.

    That’s exactly the kind of obsession that leads to success, though, and it took me years to recover after moving out. Wish I had those skills I wanted to get in all those areas, but I had to focus on one thing at that point, as the end of my 20s was approaching.

    Also when they forced me to do something like “clean your room, immediately, until it is done”. With the tools at hand now, I know that I have to talk to myself like “in 20 minutes, set a 15 minute timer and get as much done as you can” or “pick one aspect (garbage, floor, desk) and do that immediately”. Or with homework: I know now that one tool I needed was to set everything up at the desk ready to start to get over that first step. An order like “all homework needs to be done immediately to perfection” does not work.

    With my own child, the problem is that I don’t know who he really is down to the core. Is “10 minutes of cleaning on a stopwatch before dinner” just the right push, or too much sometimes, or too little?

    I think a little push is right, to yourself and to your children, but it needs to be a “relative push”, depending on the person, the day etc. Some days, just staying in bed and crying is already the best you can do. At our best, we might be capable of doing 10 hours focussed tasks and just need a little “come on, do it”. Which of those is it? That’s the question. I find that meditation helps best to get a feeling for that. Sometimes, I just need a nap and didn’t realise, and that’s why it felt like the world is ending.