state audits and data compiled by groups across the political spectrum have found no indication that noncitizens are voting in large numbers.

Basically, rules imposing additional requirements on voter registration prevent vastly more citizens from voting than noncitizens, since the latter aren’t trying to vote.

    1 day ago

    unpopular opinion: in the year 2024, obtaining proof of citizenship should be free and simple to obtain from every municipality, state and federal office. this is the fight we should be having. not whether it’s necessary to have proof of citizenship in order to able to vote. of course you should. everyone should. we spend so much political bandwidth on a loser of an issue, year in, year out, for decades, and republicans continue to make hay off something we should be pushing for too. the poll tax argument no longer holds weight, no matter how much you whine about the smallest percentage of the smallest percentage of people who find themselves disenfranchised by the requirement. the amount of support republicans get from this, as in issue that makes logical sense, doesn’t add up.

      1 day ago

      I’ve been saying for years that we should have an optional National ID card that you can obtain free at the point of service from every post office in the land. We have most of the infrastructure already, the training wouldn’t be onerous and an ID is necessary in the modern world.