Donald Trump said in an interview released on Sunday that he did not think he would run for president again in 2028 if he loses this year’s race for the White House.

In an interview on the Full Measure television show with Sharyl Attkisson, the former US president – who ran in 2016 and 2020 – was asked whether he saw himself running yet again in four years time.

“No, I don’t,” Trump answered. “I don’t see that at all.”

He said: “Hopefully, we’re going to be successful.”

        4 hours ago

        Honestly I think that if he lost the election, and was incarcerated even under home arrest with no access to his fans, he would more or less immediately become irrelevant, and he would grow frail very quickly.

        Imagine how miserable that would be for him. His own personal hell.

      5 hours ago

      From indisputably natural causes. I would love for the martyrdom and conspiracy theories to be optimally minimized. Cultists do scary shit to the general population, and I’d rather that they just get bored and move on to the next grift to be victimized by since they’re clearly not interested in not being targeted rubes. The persecution complex is an inherent chunk of their entire identity.

        2 hours ago

        From indisputably natural causes. I would love for the martyrdom and conspiracy theories to be optimally minimized

        Unfortunately, the most likely one is a heart attack caused by his 8 decades of unhealthy living finally catching up with him and since there’s TONS of things that can cause a heart attack, the cult would DEFINITELY declare foul play.

        Also, if anything that can’t be induced kills him, they’re just gonna figuratively stick their fingers in their ears and make up another cause of death that fits their narrative of him being a martyr murdered by the Deep State because he was a threat. Heads they believe it’s murder, tails they don’t believe it isn’t murder.

        What would be ideal would be for him to suffer a debilitating stroke or something else that leaves him so enfeebled that even the cult can’t pretend that he’s almighty. Preferably some time before the election.

        Not something I’d wish on basically anyone else, but that monster has shed any pretense of human compassion and self-awareness decades ago, so fuck him with a rusty rail spike.