The world’s most important knowledge platform needs young editors to rescue it from chatbots – and its own tired practices

Established in 2001, Wikipedia is an “old man” by internet standards. But the role it plays in our collective knowledge of the world remains astonishing. Content from the free internet encyclopedia appears in everything from high-school term papers and pub trivia questions to search engine summaries and voice assistants. Tools like Google’s AI Overviews and ChatGPT rely heavily on Wikipedia, although they rarely credit the site in their responses.

And therein lies the problem: as Wikipedia’s visibility diminishes, reduced to mere training data for AI applications, it also loses prominence in the minds of readers and potential contributors. When someone notices a topic that is poorly described on Wikipedia, they might feel motivated to correct it. But this can-do spirit goes away when the error comes through an AI summary, where the source of the information isn’t clear.

      12 days ago

      It’s actually not easy to ensure that an LLM will cite a correct source, in the same way it’s not easy to ensure that it will provide accurate information. It’s based on token probability, not deterministic lookups of “this data came from this source.” It could entirely make something up, then write “Source:” and then probabilistically write “Wikipedia” because those tokens commonly follow those for “Source.”

      If you have an AI bot that looks up information in real time, then that would be easy. But for a trained LLM, the training process is highly destructive. Original information is not preserved except in relationships based on probability.

          12 days ago

          It’s a fun toy. It’s not a research aid, it’s not a productivity tool, and it’s not particularly useful in the workplace.

          It’s honestly very similar to the VR craze of a few years back. Silicon Valley invented a fun toy and then tried to convince everyone that it would transform the workplace. Meetings in VR and simulated workstations and all that. Ultimately everyone figured out that VR is completely useless in the workplace and Silicon Valley was just trying to find ways to sell their fun toy. Now we’re going through the same learnings with AI.

            12 days ago

            It’s actually extremely useful as a productivity tool in many workplaces. You’re just stating how you feel about it as if it’s fact for everyone