• Copernican@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    Why is consensus that trump is a POS a bad thing? I hate articles like this and it always makes me wonder if this is foreign interference trying to force artificial divides.

    • gravitas_deficiency@sh.itjust.works
      23 hours ago

      I, too, find stuff like this obnoxiously navel-gazey, given the context.

      Think of it like WW2, and the Soviets. They were NOT the good guys at the start of the war - look up the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact and the joint Soviet/Nazi invasion of Poland if you don’t know what I’m talking about. But ultimately, the greater existential threat ended up being the Nazis, so the allies ended up in a straight up military alliance with the Soviets. And then, of course, immediately segued into the First Cold War shortly after the European and Pacific campaigns were fully wrapped up.

      The Republicans who are doing this are not really our friends, but they are recognizing a mutual threat, and for now, the correct tactical decision is to let them help the rest of us stop the overt fascists from gaining power.

  • ludicolo@lemmy.ml
    14 hours ago

    This should signal to everyone a shift in the democratic party. it is now the new conservative party, it will continue this way for years to come.

    I mean for fuck sake! Monsters from the Raegan adminsitration are endorsing her. Dick Cheney is endorsing her. This election is an escape pod for these ‘rational’ demons. With each passing day, and each new GOP endorsement to the Harris campaign. Gives me less and less motivations to vote.

    Blue MAGA has become unquestionably supportive of Kamala as red MAGAs are for Trump. No accountability is needed for these folks to cast a vote. What a fucking circus this is.

    I hope you all are ready for climate extinction before we get a presidency with working class people in mind.

    I’m tired boss.

    • Commiunism@lemmy.wtf
      19 hours ago

      Calling democrats “Blue MAGA”, at least currently is a stretch and a half since there is still a sizeable difference between the parties, but yeah - current democrats are getting real close to pre-2000’s republicans in everything except few policies.

      As you have correctly pointed out, a lot of the American liberals are unquestionably supporting Kamala no matter what she does, and it’s just so frustrating to see. People can support and vote for a party but also be critical of it much like how you can have your favorite video game and have gripes with it that you hope could have been fixed, but I guess that’s taking a backseat in favour of “politics as team sports” where the only thing that matters is beating the other side.

      That being said, choosing not to vote for dems because of this is stupid - even if democrats aren’t going to shift back to center, it’s a much better alternative for the average person (foreign or otherwise) than Trump becoming the dictator. Though I worry about the future of US politics - republicans who stay with Trump are numerous, and once he’s gone then another alt-right populist is going to come, one who’s even worse than Trump (while being younger and more lucid), and there is no guarantee democrats are going to have Kamala 2 to steal the momentum back or even be able to fight them.

    • gravitas_deficiency@sh.itjust.works
      23 hours ago


      Recognize the tactical political exigencies that exist here. Understand that there actually are a meaningful number of republicans who are NOT, in fact, down with fascism, and that this is them trying to stop the fascists from gaining power.

      To be clear: they’re not our friends. But we DO share a mutual enemy that is very likely an existential threat to both of us.

      • ludicolo@lemmy.ml
        23 hours ago

        Ah yes, Dick Cheney and the Raegan Administration. The pinnacle of morality. It seems people are really ok with brushing off what Cheney and W did with the supreme court and there election against Al Gore. They just did it in a more formal way than Orange Hitler tried to do.

        These people not too long ago were singing praises to the Trump administration. How can you not furl your brow at the endorsement of Kamala. This is just a strategic game for these ghouls.

        As I have said in other replies the writing is on the wall for their party. When the Democrats win I will not be surprised with the mass exodus for these people to the Democratic party.

        I’m simply throwing out concerns I have had with these endorsements and all I have been told so far is to stop or that I am stupid. No one has given me concrete reasons as to why these fears are invalid.

        Again nowhere have I said “don’t vote for Kamala”. I understand the sense of urgency people are feeling. However, this is just putting off the problem. Voting for Kamala does not end the right’s thirst for facisism.

        Kamala wins. What about the election 4 years after? Or 4 years after that? People are tired of nothing changing for them, do you really think that momentum is going to be quelmed? Do you really think less and less people will be not exhausted? Facisism is an ongoing battle but there is clear messaging on the wall for attacks that could cripple it deep.

        I mean Jesus Christ Medicaid for all would surely make people think twice about voting for the party that didn’t give it to them. That’s one of the most popular issues that could give Democrats a slam dunk for years to come. Are they interested in that? Absolutely not.

        I have yet to here any slam dunk policies from the Harris campaign besides " project 2025 bad mmmmkay" which is a given at this point.

        It seems also people forget Kamala’s original campaign promises and how swiftly she has tried to distance herself from them. Which is fucking disappointing.

        These are the same people that fear mongered us into Afghanistan and Iraq for their own personal gain. What makes you think they aren’t doing it here?

        • gravitas_deficiency@sh.itjust.works
          22 hours ago

          Holy fuck, dude. I’m not defending them or their ideology. I never will. I categorically disagree with them on the vast majority of their positions. But right now they and we share an existential threat. If you want to ignore that… welll, you do you, but I’m not going to let perfect (or in this case, deeply flawed in a lot of important ways) be the enemy of objective good. And here, “objective good” is “not letting the fascists win”.