• Pacattack57@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    The root cause isn’t minimum wage. While that can be important it does affect a lot of small business. With that said the root cause is corporations using profits to line their pockets instead of helping the economy by paying their employees.

    We need to stop skirting around the issue that is corporate America. we need to tax the fuck out of corporate profits BEFORE they hide it all in investments or stock buybacks.

  • Suavevillain@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Corporations were bragging about record profits not that long ago, and then basically admitted to price gouging. Folks are extremely underpaid in most areas. Not shocked at all.

  • gedaliyah@lemmy.worldM
    3 days ago

    This has been studied over and over and always with the same results. The economy isn’t hampered, jobs aren’t replaced by machines and overseas workers, the cost of goods doesn’t go up, and factories don’t close. The main impact is that quality of life increases, health spending increases (now that people can afford to take their kids to the doctor), and corporate profits decrease very slightly.

    Especially in this economy of runaway corporate greed, we need a meaningful increase in wages

    • Kichae@lemmy.ca
      3 days ago

      corporate profits decrease very slightly

      This is the thing that people will reflexively point to, but this:

      quality of life increases

      This is the real issue. If quality of life increases, workers are less desperate, and are less willing to put up with their employers BS. Moreover, if other jobs are also paying a living wage, it’s much easier to quit.

      We have seen, over and over, that businesses are willing to spend money to exert control over workers. They’ll do it even if it means a decline in profits, or even in revenue. Because at the end of the day, if you have your needs met, any money left over is just power, and power is meant to be used to control others.

  • Maple Engineer@lemmy.world
    3 days ago

    Increasing minimum wage puts more money in the economy which people will spend which puts more money in businesses so they can pay their people more putting more money in the economy.

    The only reason the wealthy don’t like this is because their money passes through the hands of the unclean masses instead of going directly into their offshore tax haven accounts.

    • chiliedogg@lemmy.world
      2 days ago


      Give a rich man a dollar and all you’ve done societally is remove a dollar from the economy. If you instead make him give that money to his employees things change, but cause poor people actually need money and will spend it.

      You give a poor person that dollar through increased minimum wage and they spend it at a business. That business now makes more money, which is passed on to its employees through the increased minimum wage, and they spend that dollar again.

      And again.

      And again.

      That dollar you took from the rich and gave to the poor drove a lot more than a dollar’s economic activity.

      OH - and it’s also taxed every time it changes hands, so it also brings in more than its initial value in tax revenue.

      • driving_crooner@lemmy.eco.br
        2 days ago

        In Brazil, a LinkedIn “influencer” was roasted because he said the if you a 100 to a rich person they would invest it and “make it” into 120 in a year, while of you give the same 100 to a poor person, that money is “lost” immediately.